Zombies at Work No More: October 25 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
Ever feel like a zombie on Monday morning? Or are you spooked by troubling conflicts, bad bosses, and overwhelming schedules? This week, our writers bring hope into scary situations, reminding us that our God is greater than anything that can go bump in the night.
The Waking Dead
From The High Calling
Anger. Resentment. Mistakes from our past. Sooner or later, these zombies will come scratching at our door, and we all must face them.
Zombies No More
From The High Calling
Perhaps the popularity of zombie movies reveals that people feel deadness in their lives. Like zombies we can be numb, driven and despairing.
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
From the Theology of Work Project
The reign of God’s kingdom has not yet taken in the entire earth. But Christ governs all those who will follow him.