Where is God in My Job Search? July 20 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
It’s no secret: lots of people are searching for jobs right now. Some folks have lost their jobs. Others have jobs, but want better ones. Career coaches, self-help books, websites, and other “guaranteed” methods all promise that if we only listen to their messages we can land the job of our dreams. Job search tips are helpful (we have a few below), but by themselves, they are not enough.
In this newsletter we’ll find some job search wisdom in the book of Ruth (with a bonus podcast on how to launch a successful job search). We’ll hear some helpful ways to frame the hunt that may produce surprising results. And we’ll learn about how one woman’s search taught her to love the process as much as the product.
God’s promise of fruitfulness is what gives us confidence that our job search is worthwhile. And Jesus is with us even when we’re filling out job applications. Read on.
God Bestows His Blessing of Productivity Through Human Labor
From the Theology of Work Project
Does the book of Ruth involve a job search? If you don’t think so, look closer. Read more
How to Practice Stewardship in Your Job Search
From The High Calling
Old thinking on job searches: it’s logical and step-by-step (as if one could run down to the store and pick up a loaf of bread, a quart of milk and a job). New thinking on job searches: it’s more like exercising our faith. Read more
Giving Thanks in a Job Search
From The High Calling
Cheryl Smith spent years looking for a job that was the perfect fit. She was surprised to find out she’d learned something from her imperfect job search process. Read more