Does God Play Football? November 2 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
Sports are fun to watch and fun to play. (Except, perhaps, if you’re a Chicago Cubs fan. Until this year!) The Bible even uses sports as a metaphor for the spiritual life; and frequently, so do we. Christians are called to take care of and exercise our bodies, and we’re called to admire God’s creation, including the way he’s gifted some people with exceptional athletic skills.
But sports also take up a great deal of time, money, and focus in our lives. This newsletter explores how we can best understand sports as part of God’s glorious kingdom and not as an idol, even for those who work as professional athletes or sports writers. Sporting contests often have clear winners and losers, but sports stories are most inspirational when they remind us that life is complex, and that that’s OK. God can deal with complexity. Even if you’re a Chicago Cubs fan.
Are We Allowed to Enjoy Sports?
From The High Calling
God’s word can be expressed through the Bible and prayer, in philosophical conversation, or even over coffee. But am I doing any good getting all sweaty on the field with college kids? Read more
How Are We Unknowingly Influenced By Sports?
From The High Calling
It’s time for thoughtful Christians to weigh the role that sports play in our lives, our faith, our neighborhoods and our future. Read more
The High Calling of Sports Journalism
From The High Calling
I had countless blessings in a career that took me to 11 Olympic Games and 15 foreign countries. But after 38 years of sports writing, I find the greatest blessings come when I sense that God is using me. Read more