What We’ve Learned from Animals
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
[Note from the Theology of Work Project: Many of the links in this article are now broken. If you have information leading us to these articles in new places, please let us know via our contact page.]
This month's writing assignment was to share with everyone something that you've learned from animals. The response was WONDERFUL. So many of our bloggers have clearly learned much from our hoofed, webbed, clawed, and four-legged friends. Thanks to Robert Hruzek for hosting this month's assignment. In reading through the entries, here's a couple that I really enjoyed: "What I Learned From Shooting a Muskrat," by Brad Shorr at Word Sell, Inc. Brad remembers a painful lesson about the value, even for small creatures. "What I Learned From Sam the Border Collie Dog," by Andrew Rondeau at Great Management. Andrew tells the story of his dog Cole, who has eaten just about everything and finally ate something even his stomach couldn't take. "What I Learned From Animals - A Boy Becomes Like God," by Marcus Goodyear at goodwordediting.com. Marcus recalls the pain of encountering death with its full emotional punch when his dog ran out in front of a car. Thank you to all who participated!
- What I Learned From Animals, by Audra Krell at KRELLFISH
- "What I Learned From a Yappy Dog," by Pete Aldin at Freaked-Out Fathers
- Dog Parables, Part 1, by Ruth Hull Chatlien at Ruth’s Visions and Revisions
- Dog Parables, Part 2, by Ruth Hull Chatlien at Ruth’s Visions and Revisions
- They Touch Your Soul, by Marcie Pickelsimer at My Two Boys
- What I Learned From Animals, by Christine Sine at Godspace
- "Look a possum!" by Danielle Houghton at sevendaymother.com
- Welcome to the Country, by Jonathan Pippenger at Growing Up With The Kids
- Who’s Training Who, Anyway? by David Bowles at Writing the Westward Sagas
- "Life Lessons from SpongeBob Squarepants," by Monica Brand at Paper Bridges
- What I Learned From Animals, by Lillie Ammann at A Writer’s Words, An Editor’s Eye
- Faith Before Fear, by Debbra Stephens at Garlands of Hosannas
- "What I Learned From… Bees," by Sam Brougher at Your Scared Seductive System
- "What I Learned From Dogs," by Karen Hanrahan at Best of Mother Earth
- "What I Learned About Blogging… From My Granddogs," by Jean Browman at Transforming Stress
- "What I Learned From Linus," by Gordon Atkinson at High Calling Blogs
- "What I learned from a dog," by Sterling Camden at Chip’s Quips
- We Are Different From Animals, by Kim Quon at Preparation 4 Eternity
- What I Learned From Animals, by Lisa Velle at getting it write for you
- "What I Learned From Mother Robin," by Brad Shorr at Word Sell, Inc.
- "Molly and Ministry," by Songbird at Reflectionary
- "How to step out of your normal environment - and step into a new one," by Jackie Cameron at Jackie Cameron
- "What I Learned From My Cat About the Writing Life," by Joanna Young at Confident Writing
- "What I Learned From My Dog," by Karen Putz at A Deaf Mom Shares Her World
- What I Learned From Animals, by Nancy Janisch at Conversation in Faith Weblog
- "The Tao of Roo: Lessons in Simplicity From My Dog," by Sara at On Simplicity
- "What I Learned About Blogging… From Rats," by Jean Browman at Transforming Stress
- What I Learned From a Cat, by Luke Gideon at Luke Gedeon
- What I Learn From Kung Fu Panda, by Robert A. Henru at Reason4Smile
- What I Learned From Ants, by Ulla Hennig at Ulla Hennigs Photoblog
- "Well Ain’t That Just the Duck’s Posterior!" by Robert Hruzek at Middle Zone Musings
- "What Are You Saying, Without Saying a Word?" by Robert Hruzek at Middle Zone Musings
- "The First Step to Effective Communication," by Robert Hruzek at Middle Zone Musings